This custom visual has the following 5 main configuration sections:

Config: This section contains all settings required for external connections including the writeback database, Power BI dataset, Premium access and voucher licensing option.

Grid: This section contains all settings relevant for the display and format of the grid including buttons, colors, and messages.

Columns: This section contains all settings available for each single column including formatting and editing options.

Conditional Formatting: This section allows to set 10 formatting and 10 gradients rules which apply from top to bottom.

Data Reduction: This section allows to change the windows how the Power BI custom visual is loading data. By default, the custom visual can load up to 30k rows in each batch which is usually the most efficient option.




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The custom visual component works with an external web service which requires the database to be accessible from outside. Depending on your setup, this might require whitelisting the IP address and open the database ports in the firewall settings. This means, you cannot simply connect to a local database that is not available from the Internet.



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The username and timestamp as DAX measures to two predefined database fields which are basically added to every change you make in the custom visual grid. In case you also have the predefined database fields dragged into the visual, they are getting overwritten before committing the transaction.






In this subsection you will find lots of configurations to adjust the look and feel of the table. Feel free to adjust colors, sizes and other settings to personalize the grid to your needs.




